What part of the equation would control how much the joints overlap?
The w controls the weight and the weights probably sum to 1, so for instance if at a certain point the upper arm bone contributes twice as much as the lower arm bone, then one weight would be 2/3 and the other 1/3
How to precisely determine the separation border between the lower and upper arm?
@xiaoruiL an artist often do this by hand and for each joint, draw which parts of the mesh the movement of the joint impacts in software such as Maya.
Is there a type of bounding box implemented for this? I would imagine that for a part of the "skin" that is right in the middle of only one joint it doesn't make sense to iterate over every bone.
@xiaoruiL if done by linear blend skinning or some other automated method, the border is determined through calculations based on distance from each bone.
@ecohen2 I think later in the class Kayvon said video games usually use up to 4 joints which can influence a particular vertex.
What part of the equation would control how much the joints overlap?
The w controls the weight and the weights probably sum to 1, so for instance if at a certain point the upper arm bone contributes twice as much as the lower arm bone, then one weight would be 2/3 and the other 1/3
How to precisely determine the separation border between the lower and upper arm?
@xiaoruiL an artist often do this by hand and for each joint, draw which parts of the mesh the movement of the joint impacts in software such as Maya.
Is there a type of bounding box implemented for this? I would imagine that for a part of the "skin" that is right in the middle of only one joint it doesn't make sense to iterate over every bone.
@xiaoruiL if done by linear blend skinning or some other automated method, the border is determined through calculations based on distance from each bone.
@ecohen2 I think later in the class Kayvon said video games usually use up to 4 joints which can influence a particular vertex.