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What are the different types of consistency models?
@victor In lecture 11, we touched on sequential consistency, total store ordering, partial store ordering, etc.
TSO has a property that writes from the thread i can be read from the thread i before other threads. It seems to me that a thread that is executing a transaction has access to the updated values before other threads, so is this really a stronger consistency model than SC?
@gklimias, Transactional Memory is said to be stronger than Sequential Consistency because rather than operating over a memory address, it operates over transactions (which can include a set of read/write operations) -- Kunle referred to this model as "Transactional Consistency"
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From lecture: this TM model essentially looks like the sequential consistency model, but it's even a little stronger since all the reads and writes are "observed" to happen at the same time and the transactions can be serialized in a serial order.