Stanford CS348B, Spring 2022

This page contains lecture slides and recommended readings for the Spring 2022 offering of CS348B.

(How advanced image synthesis is used in the real world, review of ray tracing basics)
Further Reading:
  • PBR ch 1, 2 (excluding sec 2.9)
  • (Representing rays, ray-object intersection methods, acceleration structures, pbrt basics)
    Further Reading:
  • PBR ch 3 (excluding sec 3.7-3.9)
  • (how to build acceleration structures efficiently (two-level, refitting, incremental builds), advanced primitive types, tessellation, numerical precision issues)
    Further Reading:
  • PBR ch 4 (sec 4.4 optional)
  • (Definition of radiometric quantities, the light field, integrating total energy falling on surfaces)
    Further Reading:
  • PBR ch 5
  • (Sampling from distributions and shapes, numerical estimation of illumination)
    Further Reading:
  • PBR ch 13 (excluding 13.4)
  • (Basics of how lenses and sensors work, motion blur and depth of field)
    (Primal and Fourier space representations of signals, convolution theorem, sampling theorem, aliasing and anti-aliasing)
    Further Reading:
  • PBR ch 7 (mostly 7.1 for now)
  • (BRDFs, the reflection equation, basic reflection models)
    Further Reading:
  • PBR Sections 8.1, 8.2, 8.3
  • (Advanced surface models)
    Further Reading:
  • PBR Sections 8.4 and 14.1
  • (Monte Carlo estimation of the reflection equation, sampling lights and BRDFs)
    Further Reading:
  • PBR ch 12 and Section 14.2
  • (Monte Carlo variance reduction techniques, stratified sampling, importance sampling)
    Further Reading:
  • PBR Section 14.3
  • (The rendering equation, path tracing, Russian roulette, path guiding)
    (Light tracing, bidirectional path tracing, photon mapping)
    (Scattering and phase functions, the volume rendering equation, null scattering)
    (Anisotropic surfaces, subsurface scattering)
    (Algorithms for reducing variance at low sampling count (ReSTIR), conventional and DNN-based denoising)
    (Discrepancy and Quasi-Monte Carlo, low-discrepancy constructions, spectral analysis of sampling)
    (Three parts: (1) guided sampling [Kayvon & Vishnu], (2) warped rendering [Doug], and (3) course wrap-up [Matt] (on-going research and how to get involved).)